Accessible World Foundation

The Accessible World Foundation was established as an independent non-profit legal entity, in accordance with the requirements of the ). Our main mission is the social support of people with problems and challenges in physical mobility, for the development of a favorable environment for them, for the development of their talents and their physical health. The Accessible World Foundation is a politically independent, non-governmental and non-religious public benefit organization. The activities and spending of Accessible World donations and donations cannot and will not be linked to political goals and commitments. The Foundation cannot and will not be involved in election campaigns, propaganda and agitation in favor of political parties.

Ivan anchev


For me, the Accessible World for people with physical disabilities is a Mission. Tens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of times I have climbed step by step, jumped from curb to curb, carrying my daughter on my back, only because someone in certain office or architectural studio did not think about disabled people, about people with mobility problems in wheelchairs. And in fact, we even don’t realize that every one of us is a moment away from a wheelchair… I wouldn’t wish this to anyone!

We ourselves, in my family, never thought that such a fate would overtake us. My elder daughter Anna-Maria (now 29) played basketball and tennis with her classmates until she started to walk more and more unsteadily and with more difficulty… In 2016, she finally sat down in a wheelchair – a rare genetic disorder was the reason for that. Until a year ago, there were only 8 people in the world with such a diagnosis.

But we are not discouraged. We don’t give up. We’re not complaining. We work hard and live together, as we were before 2016. With one difference – my family and I want to change Bulgaria to make it easier for people in wheelchairs. You will not hear from us a demand for someone’s resignation, you will not see us whining or reproaching.

We will fight for an accessible world only with positivism!
And tirelessly!
Because everyone has the right to an Accessible World!



My name is Slavina and I am currently working in Brussels at the European institutions. Prior to this, I graduated from university in the United States where I received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Throughout my time growing up in the U.S. and attending university there, I was involved in various organizations promoting the rights of people with disabilities, such as but not limited to Best Buddies.

I feel lucky to have grown up in the U.S. because of the opportunities that it provided for me, but more importantly for my older sister who has disabilities. To see her graduate from high school, learn brilliant English, receive a top-notch education (just to name a few) gave me a feeling of immense pride and gratefulness. Why shouldn’t everyone in Bulgaria and Europe have access to the same level of opportunities? To me, that’s what Accessible World is all about: Providing every person with the chance to realize their potential, to be given the same opportunities as those around them, to truly feel part of society.

Eliana Aceva


My name is Eliana Aceva, a psychology student at Sofia University, interested in continuing my development and practice in Bulgaria. I have spent many years outside my homeland, which has given me the opportunity to see, learn and experience things that have, to a large extent, contributed to building me as a person. However, I know that my place is here – in Bulgaria.

Being a part of “Accessible World” means a lot to me, since the moving cause is something that my life in the country has met me with, and which I know must be changed in Bulgaria. Because everyone deserves to be treated equally. Everyone deserves to wake up in the morning, not to feel that they have to fight another battle with injustice, insensitivity and thoughtlessness, but to live and, more importantly, to feel alive.

Anny Grigorova


My name is Ani Grigorova and I am currently working in the commercial real estate area. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in International Economic Relations from the University of National and World Economy. The power of positivity is a guiding line in my life and I believe that spreading happiness can truly become a lifetime experience for every one of us.

We need to join the forces of society and institutions in order to provide accessible environment for people with disabilities. These individuals deserve equal chances to contribute to educational, social, cultural and sports life in our homeland. For me, this is not only a cause, but also a battle to ensure a field of equal opportunities in which we can all achieve our dreams

georgi pandurov


My name is Georgi Pandurov. I was born and raised in Cologne, Germany. Many years ago I decided to return to Bulgaria to be an active citizen and member of society. I graduated from the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy. I am currently actively engaged in consulting in the field of information technologies.

The cause of people with physical disabilities is extremely important to me. By the attitude of society and the state towards these people, we can judge the level of our empathy and civility. Alas, there is still much to be done in this direction. I believe that together with my colleagues from the Accessible World Foundation, we will be able to be useful and do good things.

Елиана ацева


Казвам се Елиана Ацева, студент по психология в Софийски университет, с интерес да продължа развитието и прaктиката си в България. Доста години съм прекарала извън родината си, което ми е дало възможност да видя, науча и изпитам неща, които, до голяма степен, са допринесли за изграждането ми, като личност. Моето място обаче знам, че е тук – в България.

Да бъда част от „Достъпен свят“, за мен значи страшно много, тъй като движещата кауза е нещо, с което, именно животът ми в чужбина ме е срещнал и, което знам, че в България трябва да бъде променено. Защото всеки заслужава да бъде развнопоставен. Всеки заслужава да се събужда сутрин, не за да чувства, че трябва да води поредната битка с несправедливостта, несъобразителността и недомисленото, а за да живее и, по – важното – да се чувства жив.



Казвам се Славина и в момента работя в Брюксел, за една от европейските институции. Завършила съм университет в САЩ, от където получих две бакалавърски  степени –  по икономика и политически науки. По време на следването ми участвах в различни организации, насърчаващи правата на хората с увреждания – например международната организация в подкрепа на хората с интелектуални затруднения Best Buddies International.

Имах възможността да израсна в САЩ и покрай по-голямата ми сестра, която има физически и интелектуални затруднения, да видя от пръв поглед отношението на държавата и обществото към хора като нея. Бях щастлива да я видя да завършва гимназия, учейки по специална програма, да я видя как постепенно научава английски език, както и грижите и отношението на хората към нея в училището й и извън него. Всичко това ми дава надежда, че може да направим същото и в България и Европа: всички хора с физически предизвикателства да имат достъп до еднакво ниво на възможности! За мен това е Достъпният свят за който трябва да се борим: предоставяне на всеки човек шанса да реализира своя потенциал, да му се дадат същите възможности като на хората около него, да се почувства истинска градивна част от обществото.