The purpose of the “Accessible World Foundation” is to increase the level of awareness among the population about the hardships which people with physical disabilities face in today’s world through establishing higher examples of humanism, conservation, and enrichment of human virtues, as well as respect of human dignity.
The “Accessible World Foundation” works for the spiritual, intellectual, and physical development of people who belong to disadvantaged groups, due to physical disabilities, which result in difficulty in mobility. Ameliorating the quality of life of people who experience difficulty in mobility, as well as that of their families, is of primary importance to us. Creating, building and modernizing governmental, municipal, retail, public and private buildings, with appropriate access, which guarantees the health and dignity of people who are faced with difficulties in mobility is our primary concern and focus.
Raising awareness
People with physical disabilities exist, as much as we try to convince ourselves they do not. They fight for their lives daily so that they can achieve what we are not even aware is a blessing: to be able to go up and down stairs, to jump over the hole in the footpath, to get on or get off the bus. These are people who may not even dare to dream of sport or tourism. This is exactly why we work towards awareness and stimulation of public interest towards people with physical challenges, with which their alienation and discrimination can be replaced.
Help and support
Bulgaria has many unsolved social problems. However, an accessible environment for people who experience difficulty in physical mobility is one thas has received far too little attention. There exist hundreds, thousands – even hundreds of thousands – of insurmountable obstacles everywhere. We cannot eliminate them all, however, removing even one will be an important step along the way. We will work towards finding solutions to specific cases which call for setting up and building a ramp, lift/hoist or elevator to ease mobility and access.
People with difficulty in physical mobility are within the most vulnerable groups in society – many of them have a low income due to their inability to work or lack of access to suitable jobs. This puts them into a vulnerable social group to which the power of truth and the rule of law, put simply, may seem like a far away impossible dream. Our ambition is to construct a unique system for free judicial protection of these people – also known as a “free legal clinic” – against unfair and disloyal employers, oblivious bureaucrats or simply supporting them in the pursuit of a better social environment.
Want to help?
We, at the “Accessible World Foundation” count on your financial help and support in order for us to be able to accomplish the projects and causes towards which we strive. We are a foundation of public benefit – a non-profit organisation – meaning collected and raised funds will be used only for the purpose of the foundation, respectively, no finances will be distributed.
Your donation – a single or regular (monthly), is of great significance to us. With this, we will be able to accomplish our goals and activities.
Every donation to “Accessible World” is subject the strictest accountability and transparency on our side – by virtue of our morals and in accordance with the requirements of Bulgarian law (annual financial statements are submitted to the tax and administrative services of the Republic of Bulgaria). Bulgarian legislation provides for tax relief for donors – 5% for individuals and 10% for legal entities on the amount donated to non-profit legal entities registered in the public interest (such as the Accessible World Foundation).
Искаш да помогнеш?
Ние от „Достъпен свят“ разчитаме на вашата финансова помощ и подкрепа, за да можем да осъществяваме проектите и каузите за които работим. Ние сме фондация в обществена полза, т.е. всички набрани финансови средства ще се използват само и единствено за целите на фондацията, респективно няма да се разпределя печалба под никаква форма.
Вашето дарение – еднократно или регулярно (месечно), е от голямо значение за нас. Чрез него ние ще можем да осъществяваме нашите дейности.
Искаш да помогнеш?
Но трябва да ви обясня как се е родила цялата тази погрешна идея за изобличаване на удоволствие и възхваляване на болката и ще ви дам пълен отчет за системата и ще изложа действителните учения на великия изследовател на истината, майстор-строител на човешкото щастие.
Но трябва да ви обясня как се е родила цялата тази погрешна идея за изобличаване на удоволствие и възхваляване на болката и ще ви дам пълен отчет за системата и ще изложа действителните учения на великия изследовател на истината, майстор-строител на човешкото щастие.
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Но трябва да ви обясня как се е родила цялата тази погрешна идея за изобличаване на удоволствие и възхваляване на болката и ще ви дам пълен отчет за системата и ще изложа действителните учения на великия изследовател на истината, майстор-строител на човешкото щастие.